星期三, 7月 05, 2017

AVPM - 2.Different As Can Be

Different As Can Be 

Quirrell: You won't sleep on your tummy

Voldemort: You won't sleep on your back

Both: We're quite a kooky couple you'll agree

Quirrell: We share some hands and fingers

Voldemort: And yet the feeling lingers

Both: We're just about as different
As anyone can be...

Voldemort: You like plotting a garden
And I like plotting to kill

Quirrell: You think that you should rule the world
I think books are a thrill!
Sipping tea by the fire is swell

Voldemort: Pushing people in is fun as well!
I like folding all my ties

Quirrell: And you have no friends
Hey, that's a surprise

Both: I guess it's plain to see
When you look at you and me
We're different
As can be

Voldemort: You're a sissy, a twat, a girl!
I'm the darkest of lords!

Quirrell: I'm the brightest professor here
I've won several awards

Voldemort: My new world is about to unfold

Quirrell: You got beat by a two year old

Voldemort: I'll kill him this time through and through

Quirrell: Or you might just give him another tattoo

Both: You really must agree
When you look at you and me
We're different
As can

Voldemort: I'll rise again and I'll rule the world
But you must help me renew
For when our plan succeeds

Quirrell: (Spoken) Prevails!

Voldemort: Part of that world goes to you

Quirrell: When I rule the world, I'll plant flowers...

Voldemort: When I rule the world, I'll have snakes...

Voldemort: (Quirrell: ) And goblins, and werewolves
(And Jane Austin novels...)
A fleet of dementors(1)
And giants, and thestrals(2)
And all my Death Eaters!

Both: When I rule the world!

Dementor 催狂魔
一種黑暗生物,以人類快樂與靈魂為食,抵禦方式為使用護身咒(Expecto patronum)

Thestrals 騎士墜鬼馬

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