星期三, 8月 23, 2017

AVPS - 4.Hermione Can't Draw/Lupin Can't Sing

Hermione Can't Draw/Lupin Can't Sing

Hermione can't draw

Hermione can't draw
Hermione cannot draw.

She only reads books
And she cannot draw
Even if she's reading
A how to draw book.

Hermione can't draw...


Lupin can't sing

Lupin can't sing
Lupin cannot sing.

He only reads books
And he cannot sing
Even if he's reading
A how to sing book.


Hermione can't draw
Hermione can't draw
Hermione cannot draw.

(Spoken) Okay, follow me!

She only reads books
And she cannot draw
Even if she's reading
A how to draw book.

Hermione can't draw
Hermione can't draw
Hermione cannot draw.

She only reads books
And she cannot draw
Even if she's reading
A how to draw book.

(Spoken) Granger, don't you have somewhere else to be?

Hermione can't draw
Hermione can't draw
Hermione cannot draw.

She only reads books
And she cannot draw
Even if she's reading
A how to draw book.

星期六, 8月 19, 2017

AVPS - 3.To Have a Home

To Have a Home

I've heard the word before
It's never meant much more
Than just a thing I've never had

A place
They say, hey, know your place
But I've never had a place to even know
Or a face that I could go to
If I needed someone there...

I'm laughing
It's hard to hide a smile
My god, it's been a while
Since I have had a reason to

To think
It's been here all along
Somewhere to belong
And a reason
A something to believe in...

I've finally found it
A place where I'm wanted...
This must be how it feels
To have a home

I used to dream about it
But never schemed or counted
On fantasies or wishes
It breaks a man to see what he misses

And so many nights I'd pray
For a better life, and a better day
But I never thought that it'd come true
It's finally here and I don't know what to do...
And I'm trying not to cry

This must be how it feels
To have a home


I've finally made it
I've hoped and I've waited
And for the first time in my life
I don't feel so alone

My heart starts to heal
To know this is real
This is how it must feel
To have a home...

星期三, 8月 16, 2017

AVPS - 2.Harry Freakin' Potter

Harry Freakin' Potter
You're Harry Freakin' Potter!
You don't understand
You're a legend, man
To us all!

Every son and daughter


From You-Know-Who
All because of you!
You were small,
But I wonder if you can recall...

Long story short,
This guy,
(Whispered) Voldemort
Was super cruel...

(Spoken) Voldemort?

(Gasp) Shhh!

He tried to kill you
And your parents,
And this is where it
Gets intensely cool...

Even though you were
A tiny little boy
You shoulda died but you
Survived and then destroyed
This evil guy and it's
A story we enjoy to tell....

You're Harry Freakin' Potter!
We don't prefer Gandalf,
Merlin, or Oz.

You're a whole lot hotter!
With that lighting scar,
You're a superstar to us all!
If we're in trouble, we know who to call!



You're Harry Freakin' Potter!
I wouldn't wince at all,
You're invincible
From all harm!

Like Betty Crocker... Oooh!
I wanna eat you up
No one'll beat you up
With that charm

Remember, Harry, kid
You're the Boss
You're the King
You're the Bomb!


But this is all so sad
I mean, my Mom and Dad
Were killed, long ago...

Long ago they died!

I wanna be psyched
But being unliked
Is all I know...

All he knows, that's why...

I never thought I'd be
A part of such a fate
An opportunity
Eleven years late...

I guess it's time for me
To step up to the plate
And show 'em that 
I'm something great!

I'm Harry Freakin' Potter!
I'll do what I can
If what you say I am
Is true

I can't be bothered
By my awful past
I've found at last
Something I can do
So it's time I knew
Exactly who I am...

I'm Harry Freakin' Potter!

You're Harry Freakin' Potter!

I'm/You're Harry Freakin' Potter!

And I'm the Man!

(Spoken) Harry Freakin' Potter!

Betty Crocker

星期六, 8月 12, 2017

AVPS - 1.Not Over Yet

Not Over Yet
Don't ever tell me what I can't do
I'd watch my tongue if I were you
For all we know, You-Know-Who
Could be watching us

(Spoken) He can't be, he's dead!

That never stopped our plans before
You've no idea what I have in store!
You really think that you'd be at my door
If we had nothing to discuss?
He may be gone, but that is just as well...

So come inside, don't you fret
For it's not over yet!

Evil plans
We are making evil plans!
Evil deeds with evil hands
We love making evil plans!


I know it seems impossible
We've been thrown off our track.
But if we can't move forward
Why shouldn't we move back?

Friends and companions of evil and sin:
Think not of loss, but a new way to win.
For what is present without a beginning
To start it all?

(Spoken) Go on...

There is a boy that everyone knows;
The plan is simple: I propose that
We choke the weed before it grows up
And ends it all

Do you follow me?

Death Eater:
(Spoken) No.

The Dark Lord
Would have survived
Had they never met...

Death Eater:
(Spoken) So you're saying that he wouldn't be destroyed?

He'd be alive
What don't you get?

Death Eater:
(Spoken) Still not understanding...

With Potter gone
The future will be set!

So it's not over yet!

Evil plans
What a brilliant evil plan!
Malfoy, you're an evil man
We love making evil plans!


Our history is nothing more
Than what the losers settle for...

So look alive, and don't forget
That's it's not over

It's not over
No, it's not over yet!



星期三, 8月 09, 2017


AVPM - 13.Voldemort Is Goin' Down

Voldemort Is Goin' Down
He thinks that we're finished
He thinks that we're done
He thinks that it's over
His battle is won! Ha!

He thinks that we're finished
But we aren't through
Stop and think my friends
What would Harry do for you?

Harry never gave up the fight
Harry stood up for what is right
Well now it's our turn...

Ron and Hermione:
Our turn!

Make a joyful sound
Voldemort is going down!

We must unite
So we can fight
Turn the battle around
Time's running out
It's time to shout
Voldemort is going down!

Can't you feel a fire burning?
Now it's time to be a man,
A great big muscley
Super big, super hot man!

Ron and Draco:

We won't be pushed around anymore
We'll be a force you cannot ignore
We'll be an army for Dumbledore
For Dumbledore!

We must unite
So we can fight
Turn the battle around
Time's running out
It's time to shout
Voldemort is going down!

We must unite so
We can fight
Turn the battle around
Time's running out
It's time to shout
Voldemort is going...
(We must unite)
(So we can fight)
Voldemort is going down!

星期六, 8月 05, 2017

AVPM - 12.Not Alone

Not Alone

I've been alone
Surrounded by darkness
And I've seen how heartless
The world can be

And I've seen you crying
You felt like it's hopeless
I'll always do my best
To make you see

'Cause baby, you're not alone
'Cause you're here with me
And nothing's ever gonna bring us down
'Cause nothing can keep me from lovin' you
And you know it's true
It don't matter what'll come to be
Our love is all we need to make it through...

Ginny:   (Harry:)
Now I know it ain't easy
(No, it ain't easy)
But it ain't hard trying
(It's so hard trying)

Everytime I see you smiling
And I feel you so close to me...
Tell me:

'Cause baby, you're not alone
'Cause you're here with me
And nothing's ever gonna bring us down
'Cause nothing can keep me from lovin' you
And you know it's true
It don't matter what'll come to be
Our love is all we need to make it through...

Well I still have trouble
I trip and stumble
Trying to make sense of things sometimes...

I look for reasons
But I don't need 'em
All I need is to look in your eyes
And I realize...

(Spoken) Hey Harry!

(Spoken) Hey, you guys came back.

Baby, you're not alone
'Cause you're here with me
And nothing's ever gonna take us down
'Cause nothing can keep me from lovin' you
And you know it's true
It don't matter what'll come to be
Our love is all we need to make it through...

Cause it don't matter what'll come to be

Our love is all we need

To make...

To make...

To make...

To make...

It through...

星期三, 8月 02, 2017

AVPM - 11.Missing You

Missing You

I can't remember dad
And I cant remember mom
Aunts and uncles aren't quite the same.

But I had him, and life seemed fair
Yes, I had him, and he was there...
To give me strength, show concern
Ask for nothing in return
Say hello, talk me through
Do the things that fathers should do...

And I'm missing you...
I'm just missing you...

There it is, he's gone
He's hung me out to dry
The joy he said he felt, well, I guess it was a lie.

But when I had him, my life was fine
When I had him, he was mine...
He'd share his thoughts be, a friend
Stick with me until the end
Watch a movie, roller-skate
Fill the world with fear and hate...

And I'm missing you...
I'm just missing you...

Now I'm all alone
Now you're gone for good
Now I'm stuck right here
Wishing I understood

You gave me hope
When my spells weren't right...

You gave me someone
To hold every night...

Quirrell:   (Harry:)
And I'm missing you...
(I'm just missing you...)
I'm just missing you...
(I'm just missing you...)